Senses and Perception 1

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

4 days – 28 class hours Originally, our senses exist only as potential and then develop in response to stimuli and experiences. Tactile perception and sense of movement are located in every cell […]


The Skeletal System

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

9 days / 63 hours days off April 27, May 1 This system provides us with our basic supporting structure. It is composed of the bones and the joints. The […]


The Organ System

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

7 days / 49 class hours day off July 6th Our organs are vital and alive. They provide us with our sense of self, full-bodiedness, and organic authenticity. Organs are […]


The Endocrine System

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

5 days / 35 hours The endocrine glands are the major chemical governing system of the body and are closely aligned with the nervous system. Their secretions pass directly into the blood stream […]


The Fluid System

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

6 days / 42 hours day off November 6th The fluids are the transportation system of the body. They underlie presence and transformation, set the ground for basic communication, and […]


The Nervous System

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

7 days/49 hours day off January 6th Experience occurs first on a cellular level. The nervous system is the recording system of the body. It records our experiences and organizes […]


Ligamentous and Fascial System

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

7 days/49 hours day off April 29 The ligaments set the boundaries of movement between the bones. They coordinate and guide muscular responses by directing the path of movement between […]


Muscular System

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

9 days / 63 hours days off July 7, 11 The muscles establish a tensile three-dimensional grid for the balanced support and movement of the skeletal structure by providing the […]

Professional Issues 1 and SME Competency

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

3 days / 21 hours These days deal with issues related to the transition from embodiment experience to professional work in the field of somatic education. Applications of the BMC® […]
