The Skeletal System

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

April 24 - May 4, 2025 9 days / 63 hours days off April 27, May 1 Faculty: Gloria Desideri (Program Director), Marcella Fanzaga (IT), Christian Meier (DE) Consecutive Translation: Anna Keller (CH) This system provides us with our basic supporting structure. It is composed of the bones and the joints. The bones lever us […]

The Organ System

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

7 days / 49 class hours day off July 6th Our organs are vital and alive. They provide us with our sense of self, full-bodiedness, and organic authenticity. Organs are the contents within the skeletal-flesh container and carry on the functions of our internal survival — breathing, nourishment and elimination. Organs are the primary habitats […]

The Endocrine System

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

5 days / 35 hours The endocrine glands are the major chemical governing system of the body and are closely aligned with the nervous system. Their secretions pass directly into the blood stream and their balance or imbalance influences all of the cells in the body. The glands are the keystone between the organs and the nervous system and between the […]

The Fluid System

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

6 days / 42 hours day off November 6th The fluids are the transportation system of the body. They underlie presence and transformation, set the ground for basic communication, and mediate the dynamics of flow between rest and activity, tension and relaxation. The characteristics of each fluid relate to different qualities of movement, touch, voice, […]

The Nervous System

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

7 days/49 hours day off January 6th Experience occurs first on a cellular level. The nervous system is the recording system of the body. It records our experiences and organizes them into patterns. It can then recall the experience and modify it by integrating it with patterns of other previous experiences. Although it can be […]

Ligamentous and Fascial System

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

7 days/49 hours day off April 29 The ligaments set the boundaries of movement between the bones. They coordinate and guide muscular responses by directing the path of movement between the bones and provide specificity, clarity, and efficiency for the alignment and movement of the bones. When all of the ligaments of a joint are […]


Muscular System

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

9 days / 63 hours days off July 7, 11 The muscles establish a tensile three-dimensional grid for the balanced support and movement of the skeletal structure by providing the elastic forces that move the bones through space. They provide the dynamic contents of the outer envelope of flesh encompassing the skeletal structure. Through this […]

Professional Issues 1 and SME Competency

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

3 days / 21 hours These days deal with issues related to the transition from embodiment experience to professional work in the field of somatic education. Applications of the BMC® approach in various fields are discussed and the appropriate language with which the SME profession is explained to the public is analyzed. One day is […]