Breathing and Vocalization

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

6 days / 42 hours (1 day off) We manifest our state of being through our breath. Through the expressive qualities of our voice, we communicate to the outer world who we are. Our voice reflects the functioning of all of our body systems and the process of our developmental integration. Bringing kinesthetic and auditory […]

Subcellular System and Immune System

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

Subcellular System 3 days / 21 class hours Expanding our research of cellular awareness, we explore cell membranes and subcellular structures, such as mitochondria and nuclei. Through this experience we broaden our awareness of how these micro structures relate to the body systems at a macro level. Immune System 3 days /21 class hours The […]

Psychophysical Integration-1

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

6 days / 42 class hours (day off, April 24) To find psychophysical homeostasis we need to maintain our ability to respond to present circumstances in ways that support maintenance and/or return to health and balance. In Body-Mind Centering® we can access ways to transform our habitual psychophysical habits to more fully embody our potential […]

Professional Issues 2

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

3 days / 21 class hours This course is a continuation of Professional Issues 1. Explore how to develop as a Body-Mind Centering® practitioner/Somatic Movement Therapist from an authentic place, blending presence, resonance, intuition, knowledge and experience. Competency as a professional is also addressed. This course includes: The client/practitioner relationship. Developing note taking skills to […]

Primitive Reflexes, Righting Reactions, Equilibrium Responses (RRR)

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

TO BE RESCHEDULED 6 days, 42 class hours, 1 day off If the Basic Neurological Patterns are the words, the Primitive Reflexes, Righting Reactions and Equilibrium Responses are the fundamental elements, the alphabet, of our movement. Underneath all successful, effortless movement are integrated reflexes, righting reactions and equilibrium responses. The reflexes are the most primitive […]

Basic Neurocellular Patterns (BNP)

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

TO BE RESCHEDULED 7 giorni (1 giorno di pausa) – 49 ore di lezione The Basic Neurocellular Patterns constitute the syntax of the movement language. We can understand them as the semantic building blocks for constructing the sentences and propositions of our action. The BNP are the foundation for the development of all perceptual relations, […]

Ontogenetic Development

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

TO BE RESCHEDULED 5 days, 35 class hours The period from intrauterine life through approximately 12 months of age is an extraordinary formative time for humans. Our basic movement patterns emerge in utero, are present at birth, and develop through the first year of life. It is during this time that we build the groundwork […]

Senses and Perception 1

CasaNave Alle Mura Via Nazario Sauro 8, Tuscania, Italy

4 days – 28 class hours Originally, our senses exist only as potential and then develop in response to stimuli and experiences. Tactile perception and sense of movement are located in every cell of the body. Sight, hearing, taste and smell are localized in the head. It is through the senses that we receive information from our inner (ourselves) and […]